The exact birth place of Gautam Buddha

Situated in southwestern Nepal, approximately 250 kilometers from Kathmandu admist the sacred gardens of Lumbini is the Mayadevi Temple where Buddha was born. Near the Palace, a 6.5 meters high pillar known as Ashoka Stambha can be found which was erected by King Ashoka in 245 BC. The pillar contains the following inscription:
" King Piyadasi (Ashoka), beloved of devas, in the 20 year of the coronation, himself made a royal visit, Buddha Sakyamuni having been born here, a stone railing was built and a stone pillar erected to the Bhagavan having been born here, Lumbini village was taxed reduced and entitled to the eight part."
Lumbini, as of 1997, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site specifically nominated for the international World Heritage program.

The holy site of Lumbini is bordered by a large monastic zone in which only monasteries can be built, no shops, hotels or restaurants. It is separated into an eastern and western monastic zone, the eastern having the Theravadin monasteries, the western having Mahayana and Vajrayana monasteries.

The holy site of Lumbini has ruins of ancient monasteries, a sacred Bodhi tree, an ancient bathing pond, the Ashoka pillar and the Mayadevi temple, where the precise place of birth of Buddha is located. From early morning to early evening, pilgrims from various countries perform chanting and meditation at the site.

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